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Global Convergence to Improve the Internal Quality Assurance for Post Graduate Engineering Programmes
In the interdependent world, the global industries have started establishing new production units in fast developing countries in Asia. They not only establish manufacturing industries but also starting research and development centers utilizing the quality of postgraduate students and research scholars. The autonomous colleges and deemed universities can develop industry relevant interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary postgraduate programs to meet the growing demands not only from the ever growing engineering colleges but also form global industries. Hence, these institutes have to consider global convergence to improve the internal quality assurance for these programs and focus on the following eight factors selected for accreditation: i) Students, ii) Program educational objectives, iii) Student outcomes, iv) Continuous improvement in program planning and implementation, v) Curriculum, vi) Faculty, vii) Facilities, and viii) Institutional support.
Global Convergence, Internal Quality Assurance, Factors for Accreditation, Assessment of Support System.
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