An Ontological Approach towards the next Generation Engineer
This paper proposes society specifi c research and reform in the fi eld of engineering education and subsequently professional engineering. This is done by building on the ontological aspects of engineering, and then providing evidence to show how engineering and engineering education do not directly transcend over societies. The specifi c cases presented here are in the context of India, however the underlying theme can be applied to other societies as well. This reading attempts at making three broad claims: (1) it is different to become an engineer in India, it is different to be an engineer in India, and(3) reforms in curriculum and professional practice can help elevate the case of the Indian engineer, and thus contribute to greater progress in the fi eld. By doing so, the author subsequently makes a case for future research to aid society-specifi c (in this case India specifi c) reforms in curriculum and professional practice.
Engineering Education Research, Ontology, Self-Actualization, Curriculum Research, Professional Development.
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