Accelerating Technology Commercializationuniversity of Akron (Ohio) Using the NSF I-Corps Model
The paper explores the new technology commercialization model being followed at The University of Akron (UA).UA has implemented the National Science Foundation (NSF)Innovation ICorpsTMmodel since 2013. This paper describes how the NSF I-Corps model has changed the innovation culture at UA and allowed the academic faculty to explore the business potential of their intellectual property.Differences in implementation across several I-Corps Sites are explored. The lessons from UA's experience show that the I-Corps Sites program has been a resounding success and helped faculty and students to become more entrepreneurial in exploring the commercial value and demand drivers of technologies invented at UA.
University of Akron, I-Corps, NSF, University, Technology, Commercialization, Startup, Spinoffs, Mentors, Entrepreneurship, Proof of Concept, Customer Discovery.
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