Outcome Based Education: An Empirical Approach
The outcome based education is student centric approach where the student's performance are measured to justify the curricula and teaching learning process with the help of appropriate assessment tools. Based on the outcome assessed the curricula can be modifi ed by identifying the areas in which students are to be strengthened. Each educational institution defi nes their own outcomes and use their own approach to measure students' performance based on their outcomes. OBE doesn't have set of protocols to follow instead the institution will follow its own procedure to measure students' performance. In OBE we measure what students have learnt using gathered evidences like marks in tests, quizzes, projects, self-study etc. and identify what they were supposed to learn which in turn will help in enhancing/modifying the course. This paper discusses an approach to fi nd the course attainment and program attainment through which we can assess our student's performance.
OBE, CO Attainment, PO Attainment, PEO.
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