The Role of Tutorials in Engineering Design Course
Engineering Design (ED) is one of the cornerstone courses in mechanical science engineering discipline. The objective of the course is to develop problem solving skills in students through design process. In order to enhance teaching learning process in ED course, new pedagogies are always practiced. The objective has been addressed through one of the most practiced pedagogy, project-based learning (PBL). By the earlier work the authors found that to address the objective of the ED course through PBL alone is diffi cult. Hence, an effort is made to bring tutorials along with PBL in ED course to improve teaching learning process. In ED course, a tutorial along with two theory classes in a week was introduced for second year students. Usage of decision making tools and methods in course projects was demonstrated in tutorials for a real practical problem. The assessment of the tutorial effectiveness was done on the basis of tools and methods used to take decisions at crucial stages of the course project design. Authors felt combining the pedagogies according to the subject requirement will defi nitely raise the competency of the students.
Engineering Design Course, Project Based Learning (PBL), Tutorials, And Course Projects.
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