Power Education Revolution-A Journey towards a Smarter Future Power Sector
In today's world as power sector is growing smarter in application, the required input to power sector has become more and more diversifi ed. Therefore, expectations from power engineering graduates coming to the industries are also growing higher and hence revolutionizing the curriculum becomes an urgent need. But maintaining and teaching a modern curriculum in power engineering is a mighty challenge due to lack of interdisciplinary association and industry-academia consortia. It has, therefore, become inevitable to imbibe associated fi elds and technologies as an integral part of power engineering education and also to initiate industry-academia collaborations. A power engineer needs to be highly dexterous not only in core power system stream but also in communication, networking and management. This paper presents the strategic approaches to build up a more effi cient power engineering education system for developing a smarter future power sector.
Power Engineering Education, Model Curriculum, E-Learning, MOOC.
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